It can be frustrating when we need help, but don’t want to accept that we need it, or even harder, don’t want …
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It can be frustrating when we need help, but don’t want to accept that we need it, or even harder, don’t want …
Fibromyalgia is a chronic illness most frequently known for causing widespread pain, exhaustion and brain fog. Though, the disease is complicated it can cause a huge …
My letter to Fibromyalgia Dear fibromyalgia, right now I hate you! You are a thief and an impostor. You practice deception by …
When I meet with physicians and families about someone with chronic pain, the question I often hear is, “Does he or she …
According to a recent study Fibromyalgia can be a significant obstacle to sexual health among affected women. It underscored that a lack …
The relation between fibromyalgia and muscle spasms A muscle spasm can be felt either in individual parts of the body or throughout …
My letter to Fibromyalgia Dear fibromyalgia, right now I hate you! You are a thief and an imposter. You practise deception …
Sleep is defined by Merriam Webster as: The natural periodic suspension of consciousness during which the powers of the body are restored …
It is very rare that we see the sight that fibromyalgia is featured in any popular media even though 10 million Americans …
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