These Low Carbs myths might be standing in the way of your weight loss
A low-carb diet limits carbohydrates like those present in starchy vegetables, grains, fruits and emphasizes foods rich in fat and protein. Several kinds of low-carb diets exist. Each diet has varying limitations on the kinds and quantity of carbohydrates you can consume.
So can you have carbs if you are trying to lose weight? With numerous low carb diets to pick out, it turn into a very challenging task. Professionals make sense of several misconceptions regarding carbohydrates. They say that low carb diets are another dietary mania. A balance of nutrients is what is essential when it comes to weight loss. We need carbs, proteins and fat in our diet and losing weight is about the right balance for you.
The Dietary Guidelines and rules for Americans recommend that 45 to 65 percent of the calories we eat come from carbs. Since it makes up such a huge portion of our diet, so let’s throw light on a few of the most common myths about carbs.
It is not the carbs making you obese, it is the sugar and calories.
According to Bowerman, everything is fattening if you eat too much of it, and not all carbohydrate-containing diets have the similar calorie density. This myth continues because many people who consume a lot of refined sugar and carbs do lose weight when they cut back on these foods. But it is not because they have remove all of the carbs, it is because they have remove a lot of the calorie-dense foods.
Research in fact demonstrates that while low-carb consumers tend to lose extra weight at first, after single year, that weight loss levels out and is no different than those who consume a low-fat (moderate carb) diet.
That being said, when it comes to carbohydrate-containing foods and weight gain, sugar and additional calories tend to be the guilty party. According to Mendez, Low-carb and no-carb diets have not been shown to be more effective at weight loss than a balanced diet.
One more common drawback is not balancing carbs with other foods that assist you stay content. According to Sheth, we know that carbs have an instant effect on our blood sugar, but adding other foods like starchy veggies and proteins into the blend keeps blood sugar stable.
Pasta and bread are not the enemy. Again, it is the portions and the kind of grains you choose that destroy your weight-loss goals. Single cup of cooked rice or pasta, for instance, has about forty-five grams of carbs. According to Pegah Jalali, carbohydrates differ extensively in terms of their nutrient density, so everything from a green bean, which is a decent source of fiber, protein [and other minerals and vitamins] to a piece of white bread, which does not offer much other than carbohydrates, is considered a carbohydrate.
A few instructions to keep in mind:
- If rice or pasta is your central dish, avoid the bread basket and bulk up your meal with a side of filling but veggies or low-cal salad.
- If you are eating out, ask your waiter to straightaway wrap up half of your plate to-go when you order, that way it is out of sight, out of mind.
- At the store, pick bread with at least 3 grams (and ideally 5) of fiber per slice.
- Whenever possible, try and select a whole-grain option, which has more fiber so you feel fuller for longer.
Nutritionists have one thought on this myth: um, no. According to Sheth, depending upon the fiber content, carbs breakdown to sugar at a slower or faster speed.
Acquire the right type of carbs by eliminating as many processed and baked goods, sweets, sugary drinks, and added sugars (present in loads of packaged foods) as possible from your diet, since they are all packed with empty calories. As an alternative, Mendez proposes picking starchy veggies (sweet potatoes, potatoes, squash, lentils, and corn), whole grains (brown rice, whole-wheat bread, ancient grains like quinoa and bulgur), and fresh fruit. These have additional fiber, which keeps your blood sugar from dipping and spiking a side effect that will have you reaching for your next bite in no time flat.
While it is completely correct that some carbs can cause gas and indigestion for some people, it is just not the case for many of us. If you have frequent gas and bloating, you could have a different food intolerance (like to soy or dairy), a medical disorder like IBS, or you might be consuming lots of another gas-causing food (in addition to beans, fibers in sugar-free gum and synthetic sweeteners and energy bars are common culprits).
A real allergy to gluten (celiac disease) causes itching, rashes, chronic (usually bloody) diarrhea, vomiting; an intolerance or sensitivity to some food can cause gas, bloating, and diarrhea. If you do think you are intolerant to wheat, that is, whenever you have bread or pasta you feel bloated or sick. Mendez says you could try to remove it from your diet for 4 to 6 weeks.
The idea behind the low-carb diet is that reducing carbs drops insulin levels, which causes the body to burn stored fat for energy and eventually leads to weight loss.
But just because your diet is low in carbs does not mean it is healthy. Substituting all fat with pasta and bagels is not good for you, and eliminating carbs by consuming nothing but bun-less double cheeseburgers is not healthy, either. Carbs are your body’s preferred source of energy; not having sufficient can make you feel lazy and lead to brain fog, signs of low blood sugar, clarifies Mendez. Healthy carb-rich foods offer vital nutrients and vitamins like B vitamins, fiber, folate, and iron.
Eventually, it comes down to finding the accurate balance of generally whole and fresh foods. According to Mendez, the research is varying, but the overall consensus from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is that a normal-carb diet is suitable for most people. That means getting about fifty to sixty percent of your calories from carbs.
Reference: Women’s Health
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