7 Most Effective Herbal Treatments for Fibromyalgia

If you’re living with chronic fibromyalgia pain, these alternative treatments may help.

Chronic pain is one of the most widespread reasons why people turn to substitute treatments like herbal and nutritional supplements. And these remedies may help ease fibromyalgia symptoms without uncomfortable drug side effects. Vomiting and stomach irritation, for example, have been connected with use of over-the-counter pain reliever medicines, such as ibuprofen.

Medicinal herbs for fibromyalgia treatment and relief can play an important role for many people that are very sensitive to pain and inflammation and many of these herbs’ uses can be adjusted to meet specific symptoms which often vary with fibromyalgia. Some preliminary studies indicate that some medicinal herbs and natural supplements may help treat symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Other studies of herbs and natural supplements, though, are less positive. If you want to take a innate approach to treating fibromyalgia, it’s important to discover as much as you can about the therapies you reflect on. The herbs and natural supplements described in this article are just some of the alternative therapies that may have an impact on fibromyalgia. Natural herbs for fibromyalgia treatment are best combined with physical therapy that has proven to be beneficial. Massage, physiotherapy, acupuncture, chiropractic/osteopathy, and nutrition all help to manage the debilitating symptoms associated with fibromyalgia.

Many commonly available medicinal herbs for fibromyalgia treatment, along with exercise, nutrition and relaxation can form a powerful broad spectrum approach and play an essential part in combating this chronic illness. Herbs and supplements normally help to fight with nutritional deficiencies. It is probable to recover completely from this syndrome but it is also vital to be reasonable about the voyage.

While a person should expect to be continually feeling better, they will also have good days and bad days. The experience may feel like two steps forward, one step back, for a long time. Again, the person is getting better, but has frequent setbacks.

Devil’s Claw

This herb is a well-known traditional treatment for arthritic pain and lately, it has attracted notice for its role in relieving muscle pain. In a trial designed to test this herbs ability to take care of muscular pain, low doses of devil’s claw showed improvement in pain over a four-week period. Devil’s claw has no significant side effects, however, for those using warfarin, it is advised to consult a professional medical practitioner before taking this herb. In some cases, there have been reports of gastric upsets associated with high doses of devil’s claw and like many medicinal herbs it is not recommended in pregnant or breastfeeding women.


Three studies have suggested that 5-HTP can improve symptoms of fibromyalgia, including pain, anxiety, morning stiffness, and fatigue. Doctors frequently prescribe antidepressants to most of the people who have low levels of serotonin. Since 5-HTP, like antidepressants, raises levels of serotonin in the brain, it may work too. 5-HTP is a chemical the body creates from the amino acid tryptophan.

Later than the body converts tryptophan into 5-HTP, it is converted into however a new chemical called serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps brain cells send and receive messages from each other. 5-HTP is usually well tolerated. L-tryptophan and possibly 5-HTP was associated with a serious condition called eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome. Several experts consider that an impurity in these supplements led to the condition, which causes flu-like symptoms, rigorous muscle pain, and flaming rashes.

Sedative herbs for fibromyalgia

This syndrome can be seen as a chronic sleep disorder. Relaxing nerviness that promotes sleep can be used to achieve deep and restful sleep throughout the night. Not all sedative herbs work the same way for everyone. The constitution of the person and the energetic of the herbs need to be taken into consideration.


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Grape seed extract

Powerful antioxidants and natural anti-inflammatory compounds called procyanidins are present in the oil of the seeds of wine grapes. They may possibly assist to hold back the inflammatory reaction, which is accountable for muscle pain and tenderness in some people.


Turmeric is a natural pain reliever and healer. This influential pain reliever comes from the roots of a plant in the ginger family, which has been used for years as an innate medicine for pain. Turmeric owes its hurt relieving powers to curcumin, a composite found inside the herb. Curcumin helps the body block the COX-2 enzyme that can cause pain and swelling. In addition to taking a turmeric supplement, it can be used as an ingredient in cooking to add spice/flavor to your food or as an ingredient in pain relieving tea recipe.

White Willow Bark

White willow is probably one the herbs for fibromyalgia that people are most acquainted with. This herb works by reducing inflammation in the body. Salicin, the active principle in this plant, lowers fever and reduces inflammation, and in turn, eases the pain. This herb works by lowering prostaglandins in the body that cause inflammation. Willow bark is not recommended for people using anticoagulant therapy and may cause gastric upsets in high doses. White willow bark should not be used by people allergic to Aspirin.


Corydalis is a medicinal herb widely used in Chinese herbal medicine. It is mostly used to treat pain and usually in combination with other herbs. Lately corydalis has put out an interest as a probable treatment for fibromyalgia due to the compound dehydrocorybulbine (DHCB) present in the herb’s root. DHCB is an alkaloid believed to have non-opioid pain reveling propertiesCorydalis is available commercially as a whole herb or in granule, tincture and capsule form.

Doctors suggest before patients add supplements to their treatment plan they should consult their doctor to discuss that certain herb or supplement won’t work together with their prescriptions or usual pain management plan. Proper dosage also depends on the individual patient.

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  • Alternative Options: Easing Fibromyalgia With Herbs and Supplements By Gina Roberts-Grey via Everyday Health
  • Herbs and Supplements for Fibromyalgiavia Web MD

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