9 Ways to Feel Better With Fibromyalgia

The key to weathering a fibromyalgia flare is to be ready for it. Chronic stress may cause pain if you suffer from fibromyalgia. Some studies show a connection between fibromyalgia flare-ups and changes in various hormones and neurotransmitters caused by chronic stress. Luckily there are simple, proven methods to manage your stress. The first step you should take to feel better and improve your quality of life if you have fibromyalgia is to find a doctor who understands how to diagnose and treat this condition.

Many people with fibromyalgia suffer needlessly because they do not receive the proper care. When you imagine of fibromyalgia symptoms, pain, exhaustion and low liveliness levels are some of the first problems that come to mind. But a secondary and often overlooked impact of fibromyalgia is how it can affect the way you look.

Most likely the main reason that fibromyalgia can influence a person’s personal look is by way of the secondary despair that sets in  from the sense of doom after seeing many doctors who either don’t trust fibromyalgia or don’t know how to take care of it. Also, patients frequently get to the point with their disease that they just don’t have the power to keep up their private cleanliness. These strategies can help you look and feel better.

Soaking in warm water

Soaking in a warm bath or hot tub can relax tense muscles, reduce pain, and help you move more easily. If it’s hard for you to get in and out of the bathtub, try a sauna or put a chair in the bathroom so you can sit and let the water do its job. Moist heat may increase endorphins, which block pain signals, and help you sleep more soundly. Read More on Warm water exercises here

Identify the triggers

Identify what makes your fibromyalgia flare up. For some people, it’s stress. For others, it’s cold drafts. Anticipating, and avoiding, the things that trigger your flare-ups can help you manage fibromyalgia symptoms.

Create a support network

Surround yourself with supportive people, and stay away from those who aren’t. Don’t plan a lunch with that one person who doesn’t understand what you are going through. Make sure to be with people who can be compassionate. Also, talk to your family and friends about the specific help you may need during a flare. For example, you may want someone to handle grocery shopping or pick up your kids from school. For support and Discussion join the group “Living with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Illness”

Avoid caffeine

Stress has both a physical and psychological component. And guess what? Caffeine intensifies both. Your heart beats quicker with caffeine, and you become more nervous, worried, and restless as you take caffeine. So much for the physical, the mental symptoms of stress include anxiety, insomina, and nervousness. For better sleep health, stay away from caffeine from late afternoon onward. And remember the common sources of caffeine: Coffee, tea, chocolate and soda.

Get plenty of sleep

Get plenty of sleep. A good night’s rest can often be elusive for people with fibromyalgia, which can worsen fatigue and intensify other symptoms. If you’re wide-eyed at night, adopt better sleep habits, such as avoiding caffeine at night and sticking with a sleep schedule. Your doctor may recommend medications that can help you sleep, too. Deep-level sleep is vital for many body functions, hormones, immune system chemicals and tissue repair. But bursts of brain activity interrupt deep sleep for many fibromyalgia patients. Poor sleep is linked to increased pain. Click here to Read More on Tips for coping with sleep challenges with fibromyalgia

Practice cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) involves changing the way you think about your condition. Also called “reframing,” the practice helps you alter your emotional responses that can worsen it. Don’t get discouraged and feel that you will be like this forever. Tell yourself, ‘I have had flares before; this one will go away. CBT sessions often include Education about the nature of the disorder, Steps patients can take to manage it, Skills that target pain, fatigue, sleep and mood and Relaxation techniques.

‘Me Time” is crucial

Life can become extremely traumatic and complex for fibromyalgia patients. That’s why taking time for yourself each and every day is a rightful and essential part of treatment for your tenderness, exhaustion, and other symptoms. Try comforting with a hobby, or put on most wanted music, you may simply require break. Whatever it is that puts you in a better mood, make sure you do it each day. Saving some time for this sort of rest and fun will help you in many ways. You may have more energy for the challenges of your everyday life, discover that you have less stress, and find your life more completely balanced.

Try Yoga

Tai chi, a martial art from China, combines slow movements with deep breathing and relaxation techniques. Doing tai chi relieves pain and improves focus and mind-body control. Biofeedback is a relaxation method that teaches people how to modify their physiological functions, such as slowing a racing heartbeat, or relaxing clenched or tight muscles.

Ease symptoms at work

Fibromyalgia doesn’t come and go, it persists all the time. Unluckily the pain and other symptoms of this condition don’t vanish just because the work day has started. But you can find treatments to relieve the most annoying symptoms as you power throughout your workday.

Start by designing a flexible work plan that you and your boss agree on. That could signify working from home part of the time, or setting your office hours in a different way either earlier in the morning or later in the dusk. If you do a job in an office, make an effort to arrange things to put less strain on your body.

You can start by arranging the items on and around your desk for easy use. Some products may be of advantage, such as headphones for a telephone, a dish for your keyboard, or one of many other products that can help you acknowledge less pressure. Your ongoing health may depend on it. Click Here to Read Tips to manage Fibromyalgia at Work

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  • 15 Ways to Feel Better With Fibromyalgia By Mary Jane Horton via Lifescript
  • I have fibromyalgia, what can I do to feel better? via Share Care

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