Does your feet hurts?Here are very tips to relieve pain.
When does your pain kick into high gear? For a few it’s first thing in the morning, others at haphazard times, but for most with fibromyalgia, the pain seems greater than before at night. You know the routine: you try to be social and hang with a friend for dinner, but you have to come home early because you’re in agony.
Or you actually made it to work today and successfully managed to block out the pain all day, but now that you’re home it feels like all the pain you were supposed to feel is happening right now. Sleep is not even an option at this point. You stretch out there, tossing if you’re capable, with your muscles tensed and in more tenderness than you can memorize. Of course, there are other nights where the pain isn’t that intense.
So what gives? As always, a journal of diet and activities can be helpful in determining if there are any particular triggers that seem to exacerbate the pain. But what if there still is no apparent explanation? Due to the weight bearing character of both legs and feet, effect of fibromyalgia on lower part of the body is different than upper part. Although this is just one area of the body affected, I rarely meet a person with fibromyalgia who does not have some kind of leg and/or fibromyalgia foot pain.
Overactive nerves and even continuing weakness in the legs, knees, and ankles can increase fibromyalgia foot ache. The interesting thing about fibromyalgia pain in many parts of the body including the lower quadrant and feet is that it doesn’t really matter whether you are sitting, standing or lying down. All of these daily actions of living have its very own drawback to the fibro body.
We often hear about restless leg syndrome, but what about restless feet and toes? Overactive nerves in the feet can lead to restless feelings in the feet and the need to tap or move the toes, especially in the morning. Too much of any one activity or too long being sedentary can increase symptoms. Standing can increase throbbing types of pain whereas lying down for extended periods (even eight hours of sleeping) can contribute to nerve pain and myofascial constriction in the feet, extending into the ankles, calves and tender areas around the knees.
Here are some tips to deal with foot pain.
1. Swap out shoes during the day
Even if you wear the most comfortable shoes during the day, it is a good idea to switch out shoes during any given day. Have at least 2 pairs of comfy shoes that you can spin such as both fitness and freedom. I find rotating shoes can make a difference in levels of foot pain and adapting to any one shoe. Wearing orthotic inserts can significantly support when you have fibromyalgia foot pain.
Wearing (breaking in) new shoes can cause increased pain and even flares. Break them in slowly. Never wear new shoes for extended periods of time. Even the fresh walk on the bottom of sporty shoes can be “harsh” to the body. Sandals with a wedge in between the big toe and second toe should also be avoided because it can lead to toe pain during and after wearing these kinds of sandals and can be very uncomfortable as well.
2. Switch to lower heels for everyday wear
If you feel affection for with heels, keeping the height down to about an inch is finest for your fibromyalgia symptoms, says Frisch. Pack your sensible shoes in a large purse if you really want to sport a higher heel so you can make a rapid and comfy change. Read More on Best Foot wear for fibromyalgia Patients
3. Use Myofasical release techniques
For people with very sensitive feet and hypersensitive nerves in the feet strolling on a beach or on the grass barefoot can be very hard. Work on the under sides of your feet as often as possible if you find it difficult due to a high arch or myofascial constriction. In order to relax the entire body reflexology on the feet is of great help. It can be done either by a trained reflexologist or by yourself. Be sure to go slow. Read More Here
4. Choose the socks wisely
When it comes to socks, be certain to be dressed in socks that have sufficient friction inside the shoe so that your foot does not slip in your shoes, as this can cause over compensation, foot exhaustion and augment the tendency to fibromyalgia foot pain in a shorter amount of time.
You see, socks that are too elastic can cause the feet to move in the region of the shoe. Make your own fashion statement by wearing light ankle socks with your sandals if desirable. Sensitive feet and sandals do not always get along. Extra cushioning on the bottom of the sock right where we need it is provided by cross training socks and running socks.
5. Change sitting posture in your office
If you are somebody who sits in the similar position in your office for a long time, then you should think about changing your sitting posture. You can stand up, stretch your body and get back to work. If you sit for a longer time, the blood flow to lower part of the body will be bothered and leading to ache in the lower part. Also when you sit, your legs should rest on floor.
Read More Tips to Control Fibro Foot Pain Here
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Best Foot Wear for Fibromyalgia Sufferers
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- When Fibromyalgia Affects Your Feet By Madeline R. Vann, MPH via Everyday Health
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