Hip Pain: Is It Fibromyalgia or is it a Different Condition?
Fibromyalgia is a riddle and not many can solve it. In fact, nobody can solve it completely, as nobody knows exactly what its causes are, how to cure it or why it is that certain people are more prone to developing it. There are medical professionals who will instantly dismiss even the idea that fibromyalgia is real and there are doctors who will openly admit that it does exist but that it is very difficult to diagnose.
And then, there are the doctors who will mistakenly take it as one of the many other associated and very much similar conditions: depression, myofascial pain syndrome, the chronic fatigue syndrome or even rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
Hip flexor issues when living with fibromyalgia
It is not uncommon to have hip flexor issues or pain in this area when living with fibromyalgia. The hips, hip flexors, and lower back correlate with fibromyalgia pain areas due to tender areas around the lower back; many more trigger point areas and other conditions that affect the surrounding areas.
The hip flexor muscles allow your hips to move with flexibility. You are engaging these muscles whenever you move your legs, and that means your hips are involved in most of the movements that you make throughout the average day. A healthy person may not realize how often they use their hip flexors, but anyone living with fibromyalgia who experiences hip flexor pain will be well aware of this on a more regular basis.
While there are some known injuries and medical conditions that can cause pain in the hip flexors, it can be difficult to identify a direct cause of this pain in someone with fibromyalgia, except for the many daily activities that I often refer to. We might treat the pain as another symptom of the diagnosed condition or take more time to determine an exact cause for the pain. Either way, the fibromyalgia and hip flexor pain is often debilitating if not treated efficiently and promptly.
Fibromyalgia is a syndrome involves such a wide range of symptoms
We don’t know. Fibromyalgia is a syndrome that involves such a wide range of symptoms that it seems close to impossible to even try to define it. Indeed, the number of symptoms patients with fibromyalgia show can be overwhelming. From widespread pain in the body to headaches, vomiting, bladder issues and palpitations to cognitive issues (loss of short-term memory, impaired speed, and limited attention span) and depression and anxiety, fibromyalgia can show a lot of signs and symptoms.
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It happens quite commonly that fibromyalgia patients get diagnosed with other diseases and medical conditions precisely because there are so many symptoms that are similar to those of these diseases. For example, patients with fibromyalgia very frequently show fatigue and malaise symptoms, the same as those who have the chronic fatigue syndrome, but the fact is, the two conditions are different and they should be treated differently.
Fibromyalgia hip pain
Medical researchers have determined that females more often experience fibromyalgia hip joint pain than men. It’s likely on account of women having broader hips, which means the legs are at different and more stressful angles. Other researchers have hypothesized that this disproportional influence on women is on account of hormonal changes and weight gain that occurs during pregnancy.
This increases bone density and the likelihood for corresponding chronic pain problems. While hip pain is a common symptom of fibromyalgia, it needs to be distinguished from arthritis. Arthritis will attack joints and cause chronic pain in the hip if it has developed there. It’s important to note that with arthritis, the pain is bone-related, while fibromyalgia pain is associated with tissues and muscles.
Hip pain is one of the many symptoms fibromyalgia patients can experience. The pain can be difficult to handle and it will need proper treatment to be alleviated so it is important that you present yourself to the doctor if you feel that your hip pain has been going on for a long time (generally speaking, pain starts to be labeled as “chronic” after 3 months in the human body).
Hip pain or arthritis?
What arthritis does is attack the joints of the bone structure, which can cause chronic pain in the area in which it develops. Hip pain appears in the case of arthritis patients too, the same as it appears in the case of those with fibromyalgia. However, it is definitely worth noting that the pain in the case of arthritis is a bone-related pain, while the pain experienced by those with fibromyalgia is related to the muscles and tissues.
Furthermore, the fibromyalgia hip pain is more widespread and less centralized than the arthritis hip pain. Also, do bear in mind the fact that older patients with fibromyalgia can experience referred hip pain and knee pain connected to the hip as well.
Treating Fibromyalgia and Hip Flexor Pain
Avoid sitting in one position
One simple way to prevent some fibromyalgia and hip flexor pain is to avoid sitting in one position for a long period of time. Get up and move around periodically so that your muscles don’t have time to set in one position.
Safe and effective exercise
You often hear me recommending safe and effective exercise and the importance of participating in some level of exercise in order to keep your body strong and more flexible, and this is another recommendation for hip flexor pain as well.
Yoga, Tai Chi, meditation and acupuncture
Yoga, Tai Chi, meditation and acupuncture can also be helpful, as many patients claim. Although you may be skeptical to the effectiveness of these Eastern-borrowed practices, they can be efficient for fibromyalgia because they stretch the body and they work with certain points on your body that could communicate with the painful area (such as in the case of acupuncture).
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Also Read : Hip flexors pain in fibromyalgia & its management
- Hip Pain: Is It Fibromyalgia or Is it a Different Condition? via Fibromyalgia Treating
- Hip flexors pain in fibromyalgia and its management via Fibromyalgia Resources by Dr. MG Rana,MD
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