These 2 Things can improve your health conditions in Fibromyalgia

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Examiners at the Gottfries Clinic, connected with the Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Gothenburg University in Sweden, in recent times printed in the magazine PLoS One that treatment based on vitamin B12 and folic acid can enhance to some degree the general health status of patients with chronic conditions like fibromyalgia and myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). The study is titled as “Response to folic Acid and vitamin B12 in fibromyalgia and myalgic encephalomyelitis.”

Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), which is recognized as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) as well, is a difficult disorder categorized by extreme, dispatching/degenerating fatigue that affects with a person’s well-being and is not comforted by recovery or rest. More symptoms contain muscle and/or joint pain, post-exertional malaise, headaches, loss of memory or concentration, sore throat, unrefreshing sleep and enlarged lymph nodes.

Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) also possess features of fibromyalgia (FM), a medical disorder categorized by extensive chronic musculoskeletal pain, stiffness, fatigue and numbness in specific parts of the body, sleep disorder, headaches and mood variations. Both disorders can have impact on the person’s capability to conduct simple regular tasks, giving in their value of life. Women are generally more affected as compared to men.

Folic acid and Vitamin B12 are known to have significant aspects to retain a good health status and myalgic encephalomyelitis victims have been described to positively respond to numerous vitamin B12 injections shared with oral folic acid. In the research, examiners evaluated 38 myalgic encephalomyelitis victims with or without FM who got B12 injections no less than once a week for a duration of 6 months up to several years. Patients were categorized into good (fifteen patients) and mild (twenty-three patients) responders for B12/folic acid treatment. 80% of the good responders had just myalgic encephalomyelitis, however 52% of the mild responders had myalgic encephalomyelitis and FM.

Examiners realized that good responders had got extra B12 injections with a greater dose and for an extensive duration of time, along with a greater daily quantity of oral folic acid. Good responders described not using strong anesthetics to cope their disease symptoms, but 70% of the mild responders used anesthetics like opioids on a regular basis and still described more pain as compared to good responders. FM patients were considered to be more possible to find relief from strong anesthetics, however the team recommends that opioid anesthetics may adversely affect with B12/folic acid treatment. Good responders were also considered to be more usual under a therapy with thyroid hormones, proposing that such therapy could possibly also assists to the positive influence of B12/folic acid treatment. Good responders measured their health status “much” or “very much” enhanced, whereas mild responders graded it as “much” or “minimally” developed.


These 9 sets of pressure points on your body are practiced by physicians to control a fibromyalgia analysis:

  • The front of the neck is one more hot spot for FM pain; possible victims might feel pain next to the larynx and above the collarbone
  • Pain on either side of the back of the neck can specify fibromyalgia; neck pain could also be initiated by sleeping in an uncomfortable position or by rheumatoid arthritis.
  • FM patients often feel pain in the lower hip parts, close to the buttock muscles, whereas arthritis patients usually experience pain at the joints of the hips.
  • Tender spots beneath the bend of your elbows to the outside of your forearms are usual for FM patients; repetitive motions or tendonitis can also cause elbow pain.
  • Above the upper back area, where the shoulders come across with the lower neck, are some additional worrying tender spots for FM victims.
  • Most of the people having upper back pain every now and then, as an outcome of injury or stress; individuals with FM experience great awkwardness at the points where the shoulder blades join with the back muscles.
  • Around 25% of all grownups experience lower back pain. People analyzed with FM feel their back pain at the lowermost point where the spine connects with the buttock muscles.
  • Discomfort in the chest part, on either part of the sternum, is one more telltale signal that somebody may need FM therapy.
  • People with fibromyalgia, who suffer from knee pains be likely to feel aching in the inner knee pad regions.

The investigation team decided that the dose-reaction affiliation and long-lasting effects of high-intense B12 injections and a daily dosage of oral folic acid specifies a general positive health reaction in a subgroup of patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis/FM. Investigators recommend that anesthetics use and co-existing thyroid dysfunction would be considered when planning clinical trials for myalgic encephalomyelitis and FM patients.

Fibromyalgia, often related with Vitamin B12 insufficiency (according to National Institutes of Health), is a situation which makes victims to feel chronic pain in several portions of the body all the time. According to the American College of Rheumatology, indications of FM comprise extreme pain in about 11 points of the body which doctors access in order to analyze fibromyalgia.

Also Read:

Intravenous Vitamin C for Fibromyalgia and CFS

Role of Omega 3 in Fibromyalgia and CFS



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