Lady Gaga opens up about her struggle with Fibromyalgia

Lady Gaga gives her views about her struggle with Fibromyalgia

Lady Gaga is renowned for her distinctive reach to singing, style and known for about everything else. So it is not that startling that the thirty years old artist has some unusual medications for chronic pain – with infrared saunas, frozen peas, emergency blankets and ice baths.

It is not easy to talk about chronic pain, but in case someone does, then it can be calming for numerous people who are actually suffering with it. Lady Gaga posted two of her images on Instagram showing her struggle against chronic pain.

Institute for Chronic Pain referred, “chronic pain starts with an acute injury or illness.” In case the pain lasts for around six months and sometimes it can last for years, then it is more likely considered chronic.

According to the Institute, “Patients tend to report some combination of fear, irritability, anxiety and depression. Patients also tend to express that they have lost their sense of direction to life. They are stuck. These problems are all common when living with chronic pain,”

Furthermore she said, “Having a frustrating day with chronic pain, but I find myself feeling so blessed to have such strong intelligent female doctors. I think about Joanne too and her strength and the day gets a little easier,”

In one of her posts she also wrote, “I was so overwhelmed by the empathy, confessions [and] personal stories of chronic pain in response to my previous post I thought what the hell. Maybe I should just share some of my personal remedies I’ve acquired over the past five years,”



Image result for Lady Gaga opens up about her struggle with Fibromyalgia
ladygaga :I was so overwhelmed by the empathy, confessions & personal stories of chronic pain in response to my previous post I thought what the hell. Maybe I should just share some of my personal remedies I’ve acquired over the past five years. Everyone’s body and condition is different U should consult w ure Dr. but what the heck here we go!  When my body goes into a spasm one thing I find really helps is infrared sauna. I’ve invested in one. They come in a large box form as well as a low coffin-like form and even some like electric blankets! You can also look around your community for a infrared sauna parlor or homeopathic center that has one. I combine this treatment with marley silver emergency blankets (seen in the photo) that trap in the heat and are very cheap, reusable and effective for detox as well as weight loss!  In order to not overheat my system and cause more inflammation i follow this with either a VERY cold bath, ice bath (if u can stand it, it’s worth it) or the most environmentally savvy way is to keep many reusable cold packs in the freezer ( or frozen peas’ n carrots’!) and pack them around the body in all areas of pain.  Hope this helps some of you, it helps me to keep doing my passion, job and the things I love even on days when I feel like I can’t get out of bed. Love you and thank you for all your positive messages.
ladygagaHaving a frustrating day with chronic pain, but I find myself feeling so blessed to have such strong intelligent female doctors. I think about Joanne too and her strength and the day gets a little easier. Plus I got @wanaynay by my side. “Hey Girl, we can make it easy if we lift each other.”

She was overwhelmed in response to how people empathized, confessed & shared their personal stories of chronic pain in reply to her previous post she thought what really she did. Maybe she should have just shared some of her personal remedies she acquired over the past few years. She said, “Everyone’s body and condition is different you should consult w ure Dr. but here we go! When my body goes into a seizure one thing I discover really comforts is infrared sauna. I have invested in one. They come in a huge box form as well as in a low coffin-like form. You can also look around your community for an infrared sauna parlor or homeopathic center which has one. I combine this cure with marley silver emergency blankets, that setup in the heat and are very economical, recyclable and effective for detox also for weight loss! In order to not burn my body and cause more inflammation, I use either a very cold bath, ice bath (if you can stand it, it’s totally worth it) or the most natural savvy mean is to preserve many reusable icy packages in the freezer (or frozen peas and carrots!) and wrap them around the body in all parts of pain. Hope this benefits few of you, it really helps me to keep doing my desire, job and the things I love even on days when I feel like I can’t get out of bed. Love you and thank you for all your encouraging messages.”

One of the actress from ‘American Horror Story’ also posted her picture on Instagram, referring to the frustration that comes from the pain.

“Having an annoying day with chronic pain, but still I find myself feeling so blessed to have such strong brilliant female doctors. I think about Joanne also and her courage and the day grows a little easier. Plus I have got @wanaynay by my side too. “Hey Girl, we can make it easy if we lift each other.”?

Paula’s fans, particularly those who are dealing with chronic pain, thanked her for being open and making their day. Last year, the “Poker Face” singer also revealed her battle with depression and anxiety for a piece in a Poster.

“I have suffered with depression and anxiety through my entire life, and I still suffer with it every day,” she given her thoughts in the magazine. “I just want my fans to know that that depth that they feel as human beings is common. We were born that way. This present thing, where everyone is feeling thin and less connected? That is not human.”

so what advice would you like to give her? share it in the comments below.


Celebrities Living With Fibromyalgia

It is so important that celebrities with fibromyalgia show their courage to help enlighten the public and encourage awareness of the disease. They can give a voice to fibromyalgia preys and promote awareness in means that typical patients can’t.

Here are examples of few of the stars that have spoken out about fibromyalgia over the years:

Michael James Hastings
On the TV series The West Wing, he is also known as Captain Mike. He was diagnosed with FMS around 30. Not just he has been able to raise awareness but he has helped raise millions of dollars for the groups that are functioning towards discovering more effective cure.

Sinead O’Connor
The “controversial” shaved head Irish singer, Sinead O’Connor took about three years off from music industry to deal with her FMS and spend time with her family.

Jo Guest
She was very popular in England and was quite a successful model in the 1990s. She carry on to stay positive even though FMS has taken its peal on her body. She said that her husband was her support system and she was confident that a cure would be discovered, and that she could continue her modeling career.

Morgan Freeman
who is also known for his numerous roles in Hollywood best seller movies (including Shawshank Redemption and The Dark Knight Rises), Freeman has also been an outspoken representative for fibromyalgia.

Mary McDonough
Known as Erin Walton from one of the popular TV series “The Waltons”. It took around ten years before McDonough was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and lupus. In her book “Lessons from the Mountain”, she touches on her years of pain and her diagnoses.

Florence Nightingale
A Red Cross pioneer and an English army nurse, Florence Nightingale is quite famous for her character in modern nursing and hygiene practices. Even though she displayed the symptoms of FMS and chronic fatigue, still there was no name for it back in the late 1800s.

Susan Flannery
She made the role of Stephanie Forrester on the soap opera “The Bold and the Beautiful famous”. Flannery took a medical leave in 2007 to deal with her fibromyalgia. Even though she has returned to the shows, still she struggles with the symptoms.

Rosie Hamlin
Hamlin was a singer with “Rosie and the Originals”. Their most famous song was “Angel Baby.” She stopped performing in 2005 due to advanced fibromyalgia. She deceased at the age of 71

For support Q/As and discussion, join the group “Living with Fibromyalgia and Chronic illness”

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