Recently Discovered Vaccine Treats Fibromyalgia Patient
If someone could give you a vaccine that would cure your fibromyalgia, would you? That may sound like a dream, but it is closer to reality than you might think.
Influenza vaccination and Fibromyalgia syndrome
Fibromyalgia is a clinical syndrome characterized by the presence of chronic widespread pain accompanied by tenderness and fatigue. Central sensitization is considered to be a major pathogenetic feature of fibromyalgia. While the etiology of fibromyalgia is incompletely understood, it is generally considered to result from the interaction between an appropriate genetic background and the exposure of a susceptible individual to various inciting “triggers”.
These have included among others physical trauma, infection, stress etc. Certain infections including hepatitis C virus, HIV and Lyme disease have been temporally associated with the development of FMS. People with fibromyalgia syndrome should not fear influenza vaccines and in fact should be encouraged to take a flu vaccination, a standard World Health Organization recommendation, according to findings in a recent study.
The research team concluded that influenza vaccination was safe and effective in FMS patients, much as it found earlier for these vaccinations in rheumatoid arthritis patients. The possible role of vaccination in causing or exacerbating fibromyalgia has been previously raised. Thus, gulf war syndrome, an entity with considerable clinical overlap with fibromyalgia, has been considered to have a possible link with the exposure to multiple vaccinations.
More recently a theory has been advanced regarding the possibility that vaccination – related adjuvants may induce a multisystem disorder characterized by symptoms such as fatigue, cognitive impairment and arthralgia (the so called ASIA syndrome). When Epic Genetics was tasked with creating a diagnostic test for fibromyalgia several years ago, researchers ran all sorts of lab tests on fibromyalgia patients to figure out how they differed from healthy control subjects and what might be causing their symptoms.
Researchers discovered several white blood cell abnormalities in fibromyalgia patients, leading them to conclude symptoms are associated with a suppressed immune system.
BCG vaccination and Fibromyalgia syndrome
BCG is a generic tuberculosis vaccine that is almost 100 years old and has been safely administered millions of times. For over 10 years, research group at Massachusetts General Hospital has been actively investigating the role that the BCG vaccine could play in treating various forms of autoimmunity.
Current focus is type 1 diabetes, but globally BCG is being tested in a number of autoimmune diseases. Vaccines are typically given to healthy people to prevent infection. In this case, however, the BCG vaccine would be administered to fibromyalgia patients in an effort to quell their symptoms.
This is the first time ever that a direct treatment of fibromyalgia will be done,” Gillis said. As you know, the medications for fibromyalgia only treat symptoms. They have no immune system benefits. The chemokines and cytokines that are deficient in patients with fibromyalgia will no longer be deficient once the BCG vaccine is administered. Production levels will normalize, and you have to assume then that their symptoms will disappear.
The vaccine, called BCG, , is 100 years old and it’s used around the world to prevent tuberculosis. Funded by a grant from Dr. Bruce Gillis, CEO of California biotech firm Epic Genetics, who believes that fibromyalgia, is caused by protein abnormalities in white blood cells. They have a test called Fm/A that checks for these abnormalities. Dr. Faust man’s research shows that the BCG corrects these white blood cell abnormalities. If these protein abnormalities are indeed the cause of fibro, then it follows that the vaccine could provide relief. BCG has also been utilized to treat bladder cancer.
Because the vaccine has such a long history, it is not expected to cause any significant side effects in patients. It is anticipated that the BCG vaccine will cost between $ 20 and $ 25 per dose, a nominal amount compared to the constant cost of taking pharmaceutical products every day. Patient with fibromyalgia would need one or two doses at most.
Side effects of BCG vaccination
As with any other vaccine or medication, BCG might also have some side effects, such as temporary soreness at the injection site and mild flu-like symptoms. These are quite common with any vaccination and usually decrease in a matter of days or weeks. Redness at the injection site (though this usually shows up about ten days after receiving the vaccine but should dissipate over a period of six months or less).
A doctor should be contacted immediately if any of the following symptoms occur including Severe rash that won’t go away, Difficulty with swallowing or breathing and Wheezing. Even still, the research team is moving forward with the next step to make this treatment available to fibromyalgia patients since the results indicate that the advantages would far outweigh any adverse effects.
How to prevent vaccine injury
Work on taking the burden off the body to avoid the fire of autoimmunity. Start with the basics. Remove as many chemicals, toxins, GMOs, food intolerances, sugar, processed foods, and EMFs out of the diet and environment. Regularly work on detoxification with diet, nutrition, sweating, stretching, movement and exercise, etc. Improve gut and immune health and heal gut permeability or Leaky Gut Syndrome if present. Restore antioxidant status with nutritional support such as glutathione precursors, curcumin, lipoic acid, silymarin, omega 3 oils, coenzyme Q10 and redox agents like PQQ. These compounds help fortify and balance inflammation and immune activity.
- Fibromyalgia Patients Can Benefit From Influenza Vaccinations via Fibromyalgia News Today
- New vaccine for the treatment of fibromyalgia that really works. Must read via Health Plannings
- Study entitled “Influenza vaccination is safe and effective in patients suffering from fibromyalgia syndrome” and published in the journal Reumatismo.
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