A Mother Suffering from Fibromyalgia Found a Cruel Note on Her Car’s Windscreen

The Invisibility of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a condition which is least understood and difficult to diagnose even some doctors hesitant to acknowledge that it even exists. Sore all over, is a refrain among fibromyalgia sufferers, who have been stigmatized as chronic complainers, says Dr Keddy. The pain can b managed but it doesn’t go completely away. Doctors believe that women are more susceptible because they are caregiver, thinking about others before they think about themselves. 

Some women have highly developed intuitive skills honed to such an extent that their nervous system becomes highly sensitive and hyper active that any trigger like death of their loved ones can push their nervous system to the extreme. Fibromyalgia is characterized by chronic pain from no clear source. Physical examination reveals no apparent cause for the pain. There is no history of injury, fever, routine examination is normal. For support and Discussion join the group “Living with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Illness”

‘Being fat and ugly doesn’t count as disabled’: Vicious note left on sick mother’s windscreen after she used disabled bay

Sarah Metcalfe, a PHD student and seminar tutor at university of York was victim of abuse last week. She is suffering from a fibromyalgia with a history of fall in 2010 and sustained a head injury. As a result of her present condition she has muscle pain all over the body, tingling sensations, dizziness and clumsiness. She said that she didn’t believe in claiming benefits but she as suffering from so dreadful pain that she forced to apply for a  blue badge but hasn’t receive it yet.

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Recently an incident happened, she went out with her son and suddenly she felt so much pain that she parked her car in a disabled parking space at the Clifton Moor Tesco on Thursday 30th April to be closer to the supermarket entrance and make it easier to carry heavy shopping bags to her car.

She returned to her car at 6pm with her son aged around 13. She was shocked to see a note written on the front window of her car. The note stated that “being fat and ugly doesn’t count as disabled-park elsewhere.

Ms Metcalfe said: “Not every disability is visible. Just because I’m not in a wheelchair doesn’t mean I’m not disabled.

She said that there were around 40 disabled parking bays and most were free. She said despite the fact I work hard I never sick time, I am not a type of person who will simply enjoy benefits making excuses. She detailed that after having head and neck injuries, she is suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, sensitivity disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, and muscle stiffness for about 4 to 5 years. She was not immediately diagnosed with a long term disorder. She explained that reporting this event doesn’t aim at getting attention, because this event was not something one should brag about, rather it was quite hurtful and disgusting and embarrassing situation.

There was no CCTV; she said by sharing this event I just only aim at spreading awareness about the invisibility of fibromyalgia. Whoever wrote this letter I want to make him embarrass on his act of judging others with so cruelty? She said you never know what others are going through. She said that may b they misjudge me because of smile on my face. I was happy because I was able to go out with my son. 

She stresses that her intentions are not to spread hatred, she explained that she just felt like she needed to educate this person that he didn’t know her as a person, he didn’t know what she went through all her day, only judging by her appearance and passing statements was not right at all. She wanted to educate people that there are some diseases with no obvious signs, only the sufferer know what he or she is going through.  

She said that I am hopeful that by sharing this note on facebook people will think twice before saying these nasty things to others. One in ten students at York University have a disability, the majority of which are likely to be non-visible.

“I think the person who did this should come forward. I just want to talk to them about what it’s like to live with a disability like this

Related: Tips for Men on supporting partner with fibromyalgia

Lack of support due to lack of awareness

People who learn as much as possible about fibromyalgia do better than those who do not. Sufferers often elicit less empathy and support from family, friends and employers because of lack of outward evidence of disease. Many have been told by the physicians that there is nothing wrong with them and that is all in your head.

Fibromyalgia is classified as a syndrome rather than a disease. Fibromyalgia comes with a baffling variety of symptoms which is a main reason so many people who have it go without a diagnosis for years.


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Fibromyalgia is a disease with no obvious signs. People suffering from it face a lot of difficulties in their daily life as they can’t explain everyone what they are going through as there is no obvious sign of their condition. Most people don’t understand and others don’t believe. They are alone in their fight with fibromyalgia. Even all doctors don’t believe that it even exists.

People suffering from fibromyalgia are alone in their fight with this painful disease. They often face hateful situations as people don’t believe they are suffering from some painful disease. They receive least attention and least support from people out there. A recent event happened which throws a light on what people suffering from fibromyalgia face in their daily routine.

Read Also:

The Side Effects of Fibromyalgia Noone Talk about



  • Mother finds cruel note branding her ‘fat and ugly’ after parking in disabled bay at Tesco viatelegraph.co.uk
  • ‘Being fat and ugly doesn’t count as disabled’: Cruel note left on mother’s car by Peter Henn via express.co.uk
  • Fat and ugly doesn’t count as disabled: Vicious note left on sick mother’s windscreen after she used disabled bay in Tesco car park by dailymail.co.uk

For venting, FAQs, support and Discussion join the friendly positive group “Living with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Illness”


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