Things People With Fibromyalgia *Really* Want for Valentine’s Day
Few things that may seem normal to you, but being sick these small act of kindness means alot to person who is suffering from chronic illness. Biggest things that someone can do is understanding your illness that its not in our head and we are suffering from very tough love. Their love can’t cure us, but it help in boosting our spirit to fight with our illness.
Living with fibromyalgia is hard to explain unless you’ve actually experienced it. After all, we look “normal.” As an invisible illness, fibromyalgia’s symptoms – ranging from chronic muscle pain and fatigue to digestive problems to memory issues – aren’t visible to the naked eye. On good days, we may even seem 100% healthy, going on hikes, family vacations or girl’s nights out like everyone else.
We asked a question “If you have fibromyalgia, whats the one thing you want for valentines day” to our Facebook community “Living with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Illness”. It’s an obvious that the gifts that truly matter often don’t come with a price tag. At the end of the day, what many people wish for is comfort, happiness, support and understanding and would love to be the person that they was before, an out-going, people person. — but a heated blanket and a massage would make the day 🙂
A Cure for fibromyalgia would be a perfect valentine’s day gift
Takeout few minutes and give a read to this list. Add your answers in the comments below and don’t forget to share with your loved ones.
This is what community share with us:
1. Ideally, the old me. But realistically, I would love a clean, organized house that I had nothing to do with. – Trissha R
2. My Illness is not my identity. I still want the same thing as everybody else like romance, flowers, chocolates, getting pampered, a nice candle light dinner and a comfy night sleep in arms of my husband. Mona
3. As her husband for her Valentines Day I wish I could know more of what to do to help ease her pain and give her back the quality of life she had before she started suffering with these symptoms. It absolutely breaks my heart to see what she goes thru every day. She puts up a front around her family and people she knows and does things that take her days to recuperate from. Prayers for her and all of you who suffer from such a debilitating illness . Paul R
4. Something a partner could do? Breakfast in bed, beautiful and comfortable pajamas, Chocolate is a classic that works. – Mae A
5. Weighted blanked or a pain free day to go on adventure with my kiddos and hubby with out hurting during or after. – Sara K
6. I want my friends and family to understand this is out of my control; I cant pick or choose the days which are better than others. I want them to understand when I just have to say no to going out, making a special dinner or simply getting out of bed I so desperately want to say yes to everything but the pain now dictates my abilities. I want them to understand I love them and want to be the me I used to be and, on the days when I can do more, I will. This is my one wish…just for the people I love to try to understand something I don’t even understand sometimes. -Jody C
7. Unrealistic: a decent night of sleep. Realistic: someone to do chores for me- clean my house and cook so I can have a day off. – Lissa M
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8. No pain would be great oh and some sleep. – Gillian H
9. I simply want to be touched without it being painful. “Normal people” can not understand how a simple little pat on the leg, or caress on your shoulder can cause pain. Lynda P
10. To be able to sit at a steakhouse and enjoy my food without intense pain and the bench or chair not hurting me. – Jackey H
11. Realistically- a Myofascial release treatment. Unrealistically-to have one day to skip, run, jump and feel free to move around and have fun in a pain free body. To have no cares about how the pain will affect my day for one day. – Megs R
12. My wish would be to no longer be in pain all day, everyday. People don’t understand the amount of pain I deal with, because I hide it. Luckily for me, I have a wonderful man now in my life who knows when I am not feeling well and is kind, caring and sympathetic. He has taught me to “let it go”, it’s not a ‘priority’, you can get to it ‘another day’ when you are able to, and mostly – ‘who cares what other people think, they aren’t the ones having to deal with this unbearable disease day in and day out’. I can truly say I am blessed with this man in my life. – Lauria O
13. A perfect day would be a pain-free, energy-filled day that wouldn’t either be a figment of my imagination or end as soon as I ate breakfast. Sleeping all night would be awesome too. Just awesome. – Marian H
14. I would love a genuinely caring, understanding, cute and funny guy to be my Valentine / Happily Ever After. – Amanda W
15. I would like to be pampered till the pain goes away….. – Lissa J
16. For understanding from others. And for myself to be less demanding on myself…for feeling guilty because I get tired, because I forget things… There are days I do not like myself at all. – Linda B
17. Meaghon Morrison- I believe fibromyalgia steals your soul. Today I thank my husband for putting some spark back in my eyes with this fun idea to enjoy my morning cuppa without having to go through the pain of moving too much ? ( I have a kink in my neck & shoulder) ?? Read more on this here “I think my husband for putting some spark back into my eyes”
18. I could find a doctor who really cares & understands and can give me help!! – Michele P (
19. I would love to be able to throw all the meds away – I am so tired and weary of taking pills day in and day out and still having the pain, fibro fog, and inability to function. I want to live as though I am only 59 and not 109. – Tammy T
20. One day without fatigue. I can manage the pain but the fatigue is beyond my control. – Janet D
Also Read:
21. To have my life back, the one that could sleep, the one that had very little pain, no meds, and the life that I could laugh and enjoy. – Ronald
22. Getting rid of the brain fog. I know the word, but sometimes it comes out wrong or not at all. I just feel like a ninny.- Hatfield L
23. I scheduled myself a 1 1/2 hr massage. – Tammy T
24. To be able to get pain meds.without having to jump through hoops and made to feel like you are a “druggy” With pain meds I was at least able to function, now I sit most of the time cause doing anything hurts so bad. – Sue M
25. I pray I pray that the underlying cause would be found soon. I would love to be able to say I’m cured. No more pain and anxiety. – Patty P
26. Wake up fully rested and feeling no pain, jump out of bed (ha!) eat a good brekkie, then a full day of sunshine gardening and weeding. HAHAHA. Okay, we ARE fantasizing here..- Mary C
27. Taken my hands, kissed my forehead and said, “what can I do for you! How can I make you feel better? – Jessica Streed –
28. All of these ladies have said everything that needs to be said. We don’t sleep, we’re in constant pain somewhere and we no longer have a good life. We suffer, our husband’s suffer, our kids and grandkids suffer. We need a cure for this, we need our lives back so we can have some kind of happiness. God Bless everyone that has this dreadful disease. – Susan
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Advice for other Husband:
I would like other husbands to understand that everything they do is appreciated. It is very hard to be happy with such a draining disease like fibromyalgia. If your wife is smiling, you have made a big impact on her day. Dear Husband please tries to keep us smiling and this is great medicine. Please don’t give up on your partners. They don’t want to be ‘that person’ either. ?
Related Article: Your wife has Fibromyalgia, Here are 25 Ways to support Her
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